Notes about the generator's parameters, assets, and methods:
- The abilities and statistics are made to follow the established rules found at d20 pfsrd, any differences are usually accidental or for simplification purposes.
- It would be easy to make a monster which is abusively powerful using Monster Generator that could kill unprepared parties. A good Game Master would avoid such temptations and remember that there is no sure-fire method for crafting perfect monsters.
- The powers automatically added from a monster's type and subtypes are added with bonus power points: abilities are 50% reduced in cost and immunities are 80% reduced in cost.
- Ability Focus, Weapon Focus, and other targeted abilities add to the first applicable power in the list. Weapon Focus will automatically apply to the first attack the monster has, unless it's taken more than once. It will apply to each attack in order.
- The random monster generation applies additional rules to monsters which are not present in the manual generator, which are designed to make the monsters more thematic. For example, only biped body-type monsters get most weapon and shield based abilities. Swallow whole and some other abilities have a minimum size or challenge rating.
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